in thought - Español Inglés Diccionario

in thought

Significados de "in thought" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
thought pensamiento [m]
I thought pensé [v]
I thought pensaba [v]
we thought pensamos [v]
you/he/she thought pensó [v]
you thought pensaste [v]
thought reflexión [f]
thought-provoking sugestivo [adj]
thought-out pensado [adj]
thought idea [f]
lucidity (the quality, state, or art of clarity in thought and style) acuerdo [m]
thought pensamiento [m]
school of thought escuela [f]
thought idea [f]
freedom of thought libertad de pensamiento [f]
lost in thought abismado [adj]
lost in thought abstraído [adj]
well-thought-of bien quisto [adj]
well-thought-of bienquisto [adj]
highly thought of mirado [adj]
well thought of mirado [adj]
talk without giving it a second thought paporrear [v]
thought experiment experimento mental [m]
nice thought detalle [m]
annoying thought un pensamiento irritante [m]
annoying thought un pensamiento insufrible [m]
deep thought cavilación [f]
deep thought elucubración [f]
thought elucubración [f]
idea/thought crossing mind ocurrencia [f]
deep in thought caviloso [adj]
lost in thought ensimismado [adj]
that can be be thought or imagined pensable [adj]
be lost in thought ensimismarse [v]
become lost in thought abstraerse [v]
become lost in thought pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo [v]
lose one's train of thought írsele [v]
be lost in thought abstraerse [v]
act charitably with no thought of personal gain actuar caritativamente sin pensar en la ganancia personal [v]
act charitably with no thought of personal gain actuar sin ánimo de lucro [v]
be plunged in thought estar inmerso en pensamientos [v]
be thought pensarse [v]
act charitably with no thought of personal gain actuar caritativamente sin pensar en el beneficio personal [v]
act charitably with no thought of personal gain actuar caritativamente sin pensar en el propio provecho [v]
give thought considerar [v]
better than thought mejor de lo que se pensaba [adv]
a well-thought-out phrase una frase bien pensada
food for thought algo en que pensar
subsequent thought idea tardía
thought police policía del pensamiento
thought experiment experimento pensado
school of thought corriente de opinión
train of thought hilo del razonamiento
school of thought la corriente de pensamiento
current of thought la corriente de pensamiento
thought ánimo [m]
thought concepto [m]
elevation of thought vuelo [m]
free thought despreocupación [f]
thought máxima [f]
deep thought meditación [f]
absorbed in thought abismado [adj]
absorbed in thought absorto [adj]
be absorbed in thought embeberse [v]
become absorbed in thought ensimismarse [v]
become absorbed in thought abstraerse [v]
after-thought reparo [m]
merry-thought hueso de la pechuga [m]
love-thought pensamiento amoroso [m]
thought proyecto [m]
thought juicio [m]
thought plan [m]
thought propósito [m]
thought recuerdo [m]
thought designio [m]
thought dictamen [m]
thought cuidado [m]
thought atención [f]
after-thought reflexión tardía [f]
after-thought nueva idea [f]
thought consideración [f]
thought meditación [f]
thought cogitación [f]
thought recordación [f]
thought atención [f]
thought memoria [f]
thought solicitud [f]
thought inquietud [f]
thought migaja [f]
thought opinión [f]
thought razón [f]
lost in thought absorto [adj]
after-thought con madura reflexión [adv]
thought poquito [m] fig.
an alcoholic drink taken at the end of a meal, often thought to aid digestion asentativo [m] PE BO
confusing thought pajazo mental [m] EC PE derog.
unpleasant thought pajazo mental [m] EC PE derog.
secret thought recoveco [m] DO
thought imaginamiento [m] disused
thought miente [f] outdated
unreasonable or farfetched thought/saying brutada [f] HN NI
a witchcraft fetish or charm made of black tape with seven knots, each one of which has a different perfume and is associated with a thought having to do with a work goal cinta de siete nudos [f] PR
deep and detailed thought craneada [f] HN SV
intrusive thought pensadera [f] CU
repeated thought pensadera [f] CU
thought miente [f] disused
quick of thought claro [adj] fig.
who would like to be thought of as having expensive taste (person) abacanado [adj] CL
lost in thought boleado [adj] AR UY
not well-thought out facilista [adj] CU CO EC PE
lost in thought fly (inglés) [adj] VE
much thought about coqueado [adj] SV
well-thought out (thing), well-planned (thing) craneado [adj] CO EC PE BO PY
lost in thought despiolado [adj] AR
lost in thought elevente [adj] DO
lost in thought embolinado [adj] CL
lost in thought pájaro [adj] CL
make someone lose the security they thought they had desfondar [v] CL
be lost in thought estoriarse [v] PR
thought-provoking sugestiva [adj/f]
absorbed in thought abismada [adj/f]
absorbed in thought absorta [adj/f]
quick of thought clara [adj/f] fig.
lost in thought absorta [adj/f]
lose your train of thought perder el hilo [v]
give thought (to) comerse el coco [v]
give thought (to) dedicar tiempo a pensar (en) [v]
give thought (to) pensar profundamente (sobre) [v]
give some thought to something meditar algo [v]
give some thought to something dedicarle atención a algo [v]
give somebody food for thought darle a alguien algo para reflexionar [v]
give someone pause for thought hacer que alguien se detenga a pensar [v]
give someone pause for thought dar a alguien motivo para la reflexión [v]
give someone pause for thought hacer que alguien se detenga a reflexionar [v]
give something a great deal of thought dar muchas vueltas a algo [v]
give thought to darle vueltas a la cabeza [v]
give thought to darle vueltas a las cosas [v]
lose one's train of thought perder el hilo [v]
not give it another thought no preocuparse más por algo [v]
not give it another thought dejar de preocuparse por algo [v]
lose one's train of thought írsele a alguien el santo al cielo [v]
lose one's train of thought írsele a uno el santo al cielo [v]
lose one's train of thought marchársele a alguien el santo al cielo [v]
lose one's train of thought subírsele a alguien el santo al cielo [v]
have another thought coming llevarlo claro [v]
get lost in thought adentrarse en sí mismo [v]
be lost in thought adentrarse en sí mismo [v]
relish the thought of something saborearse algo [v]
be food for thought servir para reflexionar [v]
be well thought of estar como gallo en gallinero [v]
be thought about or discussed estar en discusión [v]
give it some more thought darle vueltas a un asunto [v]
retreat into one's mind to avoid undesirable thought or interactions with people encerrarse en su caparazón [v]
be lost in thought hacer calendarios [v]
be lost in thought hacer almanaques [v]
engage in thought hacer almanaques [v]
engage in thought hacer calendarios [v]
be less effective than thought tener la pólvora mojada [v]
spare a thought for dedicar un pensamiento a alguien [v]
recoil at the thought (of someone) retroceder al pensar (en alguien) [v]
spare a thought for pensar en la situación de alguien [v]
consume every thought comer vivo a alguien [v]
talk without giving it a second thought hablar como el papagayo [v]
talk without giving it a second thought hablar como un papagayo [v]
lose the one's train of thought perder pie [v]
be a vague thought estar remoto alguien [v]
without a second thought sin mirar en barras [adv]
without a second thought sin pararse en barras [adv]
without a second thought sin reparar en barras [adv]
without a second thought sin tropezar en barras [adv]
without a second thought como si nada [adv]
without giving it a second thought como si nada [adv]
without giving it much thought a cierra ojos [adv]
without a second thought sin pensar [adv]
who would've thought quién lo diría [expr]
the wish is father to the thought pintar como querer [expr]
lose one's train of thought olvidarse de lo que se estaba diciendo
lose one's train of thought perder el hilo
lose one's train of thought perder la idea del tema
as swift as thought en lo que canta un gallo
as swift as thought veloz como un rayo
as swift as thought rapidísimo
I've lost my train of thought perdí el hilo
food for thought buen alimento
food for thought materia de reflexión
food for thought motivos para la reflexión
food for thought algo sobre lo que pensar
I lost my train of thought se me ha ido
I lost my train of thought perdí el hilo
I lost my train of thought Perdí el hilo de mis pensamientos
I lost my train of thought se me ha ido (de la cabeza)
I lost my train of thought se me ha ido el santo al cielo
on second thought reconsiderando
on second thought revisando la opinión
on second thought repensando
on second thought pensándolo bien
perish the thought ni pensarlo
train of thought línea de pensamiento
train of thought secuencia de ideas
train of thought orden de ideas
train of thought serie de ideas
train of thought cadena de pensamientos
swift as thought veloz como la mente
swift as thought rápido como la mente
swift as thought ligero como la mente
swift as thought raudo como la mente
lose one's train of thought hacerse un bache [v] PY AR UY
be lost in thought estar en china [v] CU
be lost in thought estar volado [v] HN PE BO
be more serious than one thought jugar garrote [v] VE disused
become more serious than originally thought jugar garrote [v] VE disused
get more than one originally thought possible ir que chifla [v] DO
be more complicated than one original thought it would be jugar garrote [v] VE disused
be lost in thought pensar en la inmortalidad del cangrejo [v] MX GT HN SV NI PA CU DO VE EC BO UY
be lost in thought pensar en la inmortalidad del mosquito [v] PE
be lost in thought pensar en las muelas del gallo [v] GT
be lost in thought pensar en los anteojos del gallo [v] GT
be lost in thought pensar en los huevos del gallo [v] CR CO
lose one's train of thought orinar fuera del guacal [v] HN
without a second thought sin asco [adv] HN NI CR PA CU DO CO PE BO PY AR UY
have you thought a little more about what you might want for your birthday? ¿has pensado en lo que quieres para tu cumpleaños?
that's what they thought es lo que ellos pensaron
i just thought es que pensé
i am the only one who thought of it fui el único que lo pensé
i thought she was with you creí que estaba contigo
i thought it was a pretty good idea pensé que era una muy buena idea
i thought it was late pensé que era tarde
they thought that i was doing it all myself pensaban que lo hacía todo yo sola
don't give it another thought no le des importancia
don't give it another thought! ¡no es nada!
don't give it a thought no le des importancia
don't give it another thought no le des relevancia
a beautiful thought un bello pensamiento
don't spare a thought for me no pienses en mí
never thought I'd see you here nunca pensé que te vería aquí
don't give it a second thought no le prestes atención
don't give it a second thought no te preocupes
don't give it another thought! ¡no le des importancia!
don't give it another thought no vuelvas a pensar en ello
never thought I'd see you here nunca pensé que te encontraría aquí
don't give it a second thought no le des importancia
don't give it another thought no te preocupes
don't give it a thought no le des relevancia
don't give it another thought! ¡no te preocupes!
don't give it a second thought no le des relevancia
don't give it a thought no le prestes atención
don't give it a second thought no vuelvas a pensar en ello
don't give it a thought no te preocupes
don't give it another thought no le prestes atención
don't give it a thought no pienses en ello
it's the thought that counts lo que cuenta es la intención
it's the thought that counts lo que importa es la intención
you thought you could slip that by me, didn't you? creíste que lo que hiciste iba a pasar inadvertido, ¿verdad?
you thought wrong te equivocaste
it's earlier than i thought es más temprano de lo que pensé
you thought you could slip that by me, didn't you? pensabas que me la ibas a colar, ¿no?
it's the thought that counts la intención es lo que cuenta
i actually haven't thought much about that en realidad no he pensado mucho en eso
who'd have thought? ¿quién lo hubiese pensado?
have you ever thought? ¿alguna vez ha pensado?
have you ever thought about killing me? ¿alguna vez has pensado en matarme?
he thought i didn't know he was in there pensó que yo no sabía que él estaba ahí
that's what i thought eso es lo que pensé
that's what I thought eso pensé
i thought the same thing yo pensaba lo mismo
i thought the same thing yo he pensado lo mismo
i've always thought so siempre lo he pensado
i've even thought about suicide he pensado incluso en el suicido
i've given this some hard thought he estado pensándolo muy bien
I thought as much ya me lo imaginaba
I thought so ya me lo imaginaba
after much thought después de pensarlo mucho
it is thought to be... se le supone...
it was thought that... se pensó que...
I thought to myself pensé para mí mismo
I thought for sure... pensé que seguramente...
I thought you were... te suponía...
I thought to myself me dije
that's what I thought! ¡me lo imagino!
that's what I thought! ¡ya me lo imagino!
it was thought that se creía que
it was thought that se pensaba que
who would have thought that...? ¿quién hubiese pensado que...?
who would have thought that...? ¿quién hubiera pensado que...?
perish the thought! ¡no lo permita dios!
don't give it a second thought no lo pienses dos veces
just as i thought tal como pensé
sooner than i thought antes de lo que yo pensaba
i lost my train of thought se me olvidó lo que iba a decir
i lost my train of thought perdí el hilo
we thought it would impress him pensamos que lo impresionaría
we thought it was junk pensamos que era chatarra
we thought you were dead pensamos que estabas muerto
we thought you were asleep pensamos que estabas dormido
i never thought i'd miss you as much as i do nunca pensé que llegaría a echarte tanto de menos ES
i never thought i'd miss you as much as i do nunca pensé que llegaría a extrañarte tanto AMER
i never thought I'd see you here nunca pensé que te vería aquí
i never thought I'd see you here nunca pensé que lo vería a usted aquí
i never thought i'dbe happy to see you nunca pensé que me alegraría de verte
i never thought i'd see you again nunca pensé que volvería a verte
i never thought i'dbe happy to see you nunca pensé que yo estaría contento de verte
i never thought this would happen nunca pensé que esto iba a suceder
there's more here than i thought hay más de lo que pensaba
i really have to give this some thought de verdad tengo que pensarlo
i thought as much esperaba eso
i thought as much no me sorprende
i thought creí
i thought i could make it up pensé que yo lo podría compensar
i thought golf was for old people creía que el golf era para gente mayor
i thought he might be there pensé que podría estar allí
i thought i heard something creí escuchar algo
i thought i lost you pensé que te había perdido
i thought i heard something creí oír algo
I thought I saw a cat me pareció ver un gato
i thought i was alone pensé que yo estaba solo
I thought I saw a cat creí ver un gato
i thought i made good decisions creí haber tomado buenas decisiones
i thought i was alone pensaba que estaba solo
i thought i was being tested pensé que me estaban probando
i thought i was going to die pensé que me iba a morir
i thought i was going to die creí que me iba a morir
i thought i would give it a try pensé en probar suerte
i thought i'd lost this pensé que lo había perdido
i thought i'd say hi pensé que debía saludar
i thought it was the best thing for you pensé que era lo mejor para usted
i thought it was the best thing for you pensé que era lo mejor para ti
i thought it was a done deal pensé que era un trato hecho
I thought so lo suponía
I thought so me lo imaginaba
I thought so me lo figuraba
i thought that would be more fun pensé que sería más divertido
i thought that you loved me pensé que me amabas
i thought there wasn't anything that you could do pensé que no había nada que pudieras hacer
I thought that's the way you wanted it pensé que lo quería de esa manera
I thought that's the way you wanted it pensaba que era así como lo querías
i thought that you loved me pensaba que me querías
i thought we had a deal pensaba que teníamos un trato
i thought there wasn't anything that you could do pensaba que no había nada que pudieras hacer
i thought we had a deal pensé que teníamos un acuerdo
i thought we were friends creía que éramos amigos
i thought we were friends pensé que éramos amigos
i thought we were friends creí que éramos amigos
i thought we were friends pensaba que éramos amigos
i thought you had forgotten me pensé que me habías olvidado
i thought you had forgotten me pensaba que me habías olvidado
i thought you forgot me creí que me habías olvidado
i thought you forgot me creía que me habías olvidado?
i thought you loved me pensé que me amabas
i thought you hated that place? ¿no odiabas ese lugar?
i thought you loved me pensaba que me querías
i thought you loved me yo pensé que me amabas
i thought you loved me creí que me amabas
I thought you might like to know pensé que querrías saber
I thought you might like to know pensé que te gustaría saber
I thought you might want to take a look at this one pensaba que querrías darle una ojeada
I thought you might want to take a look at this one pensé que querrías verlo
I thought you might like to know pensaba que querrías saberlo
i thought you should see this pensé que deberías ver esto
i thought you quit pensaba que lo habías dejado
i thought you quit creí que lo habías dejado
i thought you were a teacher pensé que eras maestro
i thought you were a burglar pensé que eras un ladrón
i thought you should see this pensaba que deberías ver esto
i thought you were a burglar pensaba que era un ladrón
i thought you were a teacher creía que eras profesor
i thought you were an honest person pensé que eras una persona honesta
i thought you were an architect pensé que eras arquitecto
i thought you were an architect creía que eras arquitecto
i thought you were an honest person creía que eras una persona honesta
I thought you were coming home for dinner pensé que vendrías a cenar a casa
i thought you were from here pensaba que eras de aquí
i thought you were going to get married pensé que te ibas a casar
I thought you were coming home for dinner pensaba que vendrías a cenar a casa
i thought you were from here pensé que eras de aquí
i thought you were my husband pensaba que eras mi marido
i thought you were my husband pensé que eras mi marido
i thought you were going to get married pensaba que te ibas a casar
i thought you were someone else pensé que eras otra persona
i thought you were someone else pensaba que eras otra persona
i thought you were someone else pensé que eras otro
i thought you were staying at a friend's place pensaba que te estabas quedando en casa de un amigo
i thought you were staying at a friend's place pensé que te estabas quedando en la casa de un amigo
i thought you were studying law pensé que estabas estudiando derecho
i thought you were studying law pensaba que estabas estudiando derecho
i told him what i thought of him le dije lo que pensaba acerca de él
i hadn't given it much thought no lo pensé demasiado
i hadn't given it much thought no me había detenido a pensarlo
i just couldn't stand the thought no pude soportar la idea
who could have thought? ¿quién hubiera imaginado?
who could have thought? ¿quién hubiera pensado?
who would have thought quién hubiera pensado
who would have thought quién hubiese pensado
who would have thought? ¿quién hubiera pensado?
who would have thought? ¿quién hubiese pensado?
be thought about or discussed estar en estudio [v]
be thought about or discussed estar sobre la mesa [v]
be thought about estar en estudio [v]
be thought about estar sobre la mesa [v]
as thought fit para todo fin útil
than we thought de lo que pensábamos
on second thought(s) pensándolo mejor
without a second thought sin dudarlo
without a second thought sin pensarlo dos veces
without a second thought sin pensarlo más
when it is thought cuando se cree
when it is thought cuando se piensa
the thought struck me that de repente vino a mi mente
without thought or reflection a la buena de dios
on second thought [us] pensándolo bien
and I thought to myself… y pensé para mí ...
and I thought to myself… y pensé para mis adentros...
on second thought pensándolo bien
just the thought of sólo pensar
just the thought of it... sólo de pensarlo...
at just the thought of sólo pensar
the very thought of it... sólo de pensarlo...
as was thought como se suponía
I thought of you when... me acordé de ti cuando...
I lost my train of thought se me fue la onda
I lost my train of thought se me fue el pedo
do something without a second thought hacer algo con los ojos cerrados [v]
lose one's train of thought írsele el santo al cielo [v]
give cause for thought agavillarse [v]
be lost in thought hacer calendarios [v]
be lost in thought hacer almanaques [v]
lose one's line of thought atrancarse [v]
lose one's train of thought salirse alguien de la parva [v]
thought to myself para mi coleto [adv]
thought to myself para tu coleto [adv]
thought to myself para su coleto [adv]
just when you thought it couldn't get any worse ya escampa [expr]
just as I thought ese es el tema de mi sermón [expr]
closer than I thought más cerca de lo que yo pensaba
unreal thought alucine [m] MX
obsessive worry or thought barrenillo [m] CU
thought pienso [m] disused
thought pila [f] SV
lost in thought elevado [adj] EC:S
lost in thought elevado [adj] CO EC AR:Nw
lost in thought embochinchado [adj] AR
lost in thought alepantado [adj] EC:S
for a well thought-out plan to collapse caerse la estantería [v] AR UY
without a second thought de un hacha [adv] MX
the wish is father to the thought el pintar como el querer [v]
the situation in which neither assumes the work and assigns their responsibility to another so that something is left undone because one thought it was done by another or that it was not his responsibility unos por otros la casa sin barrer
freedom of thought libertad de pensamiento
imageless thought pensamiento sin imágenes
teacher thought pensamiento del maestro
teaching thought pensamiento docente
thought disorder trastorno del pensamiento
thought disturbances trastornos del pensamiento
thought experiment experimento mental
operatory thought pensamiento operatorio
educational thought pensamiento educativo
pedagogic thought pensamiento pedagógico
formal operational thought pensamiento formal
polycentric thought pensamiento policéntrico
preoperatory thought pensamiento preoperatorio
concrete operatory thought pensamiento operatorio concreto
trend of thought escuela [f]
train of thought ilación [f]
thought process proceso de pensamiento
thought experiment experimento de pensamientos
thought experiment experimento mental
investigation into the laws of thought investigación de las leyes del pensamiento
logical thought pensamiento lógico
thought process proceso deductivo
autistic thought pensamiento autista
altered thought processes procesos del pensamiento alterados
thought insertion inserción de pensamiento
preoperational thought phase fase de pensamiento preoperativo
thought blocking bloqueo del pensamiento
thought hearing echo eco del pensamiento
thought insertion inserción del pensamiento
thought broadcasting difusión del pensamiento
thought transference transferencia de pensamiento
automatic thought pensamiento automático
trend of thought tendencia de pensamiento
thought of harming others pensar en hacer daño a otros
thought process disorder trastorno del proceso del pensamiento
thought broadcasting difusión del pensamiento
thought insertion inserción de pensamiento
thought withdrawal retiro del pensamiento
extrasensory thought transference transferencia por pensamiento extrasensorial
trend of thought tendencia de pensamiento
abstract logical thought pensamiento lógico abstracto [m]
abstract thought pensamiento abstracto [m]
archaic thought pensamiento arcaico
unconscious thought pensamiento inconsciente
divergent thought pensamiento divergente
postformal thought pensamiento postformal
thought process proceso de pensamiento
thought control control de pensamientos
creative thought pensamiento creativo
language of thought lenguaje del pensamiento
postformal thought pensamiento post-formal
laws of thought leyes del pensamiento
spontaneous thought pensamiento espontáneo
thought withdrawal retirada de pensamientos
imageless thought pensamiento sin imágenes

Significados de "in thought" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 1 resultado(s)

Español Inglés
Irregular Verb
thought - thought [v] think